The establishment of new website for Polycarbonate Corrugated Sheet Manufacturer
The establishment of new LYON website.
Launched in 1994, Lyon Plastics Co., Ltd., is a professional corrugated polycarbonate sheet manufacturer whose products are trusted around the globe.
Lyon Plastic is experienced in the design, production, merchandising, and related services of polycarbonate corrugated sheet and supplies tailor-made product solutions to the construction, architecture, agriculture, OEM and DIY markets. Under global administration, Lyon Plastic‘s high-quality polycarbonate corrugated sheet or PP corrugated panel are trusted by and sold to more than 30 countries including the United States, Japan, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and Central America.
With polycarbonate corrugated sheet’s quality meeting or exceeding industry standards, Lyon Plastics has developed more than 60 different corrugated polycarbonate profiles. Lyons core product characteristics include high light transmittance, heat insulation, UV-absorption, and fire retardant properties.